Monday, 20 August 2012

On our way home

At Singapore airport waiting for our onward flight. Looking forward to seeing Andy, Henry and Tara.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Aussie animals

All the animals we saw on our trip to Australia!!!
Love the girls

Blue Mountain (Day 2)

We had a very scenic day at scenic world on the worlds steepest train, the skyway and seeing the three sisters. Alice got a tick and after getting it out with a splinter remover we went to the home of the magic pudding! ;)

Good bye to Australia and thank you

After a fantastic month in Australia it is sadly time to say good bye. We have all had some amazing experiences, met some wonderful people and met lots of lovely family. Thank you Australia for opening your arms and welcoming us into your wonderful country. Thank you Carole and Jay for making us feel part of your family and for being so generous. Thank you Pat and Sarah for a great weekend. Thank you Anne and Dennis for a fabulous tour of Melbourne.
Thank you all and see you soon!!

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Blue mountains ( Day 1 )

We had a lovely weekend in the blue mountains.
On the first day we enjoyed a Plughole tour doing some caving and squeezing through some of the tiniest holes imaginable...luckily we all made it out and have some lovely photos to share with you...
And then had a lovely Korean dinner!!!

Bridge climb

We had a amazing time climbing up the harbour bridge!
It is definitely a experience we will remember forever!
Lots of love and thanks to dad
From Alice, Charley & Fiona


We had a lovely day in Melbourne taking the tram and going up the sky deck with Anne & Denis Which is the tallest building in the southern hemisphere !
We had our own private tour guide!!